She Blindsided me with Science (Science!!!).
Alright, so I got my wish. It looks good for me long-term-sub-wise, and no one had to die for it. It looks like I'll be subbing all the way 'till June - which is nice because I could sure use the money. However, I got my wish in a sort-of "Under the Tuscan Sun" kinda way. Okay, so Diane Lane (naked MILF from the film "Unfaithful") is complaining to this Italian Real Estate dealer about how she wants things like a wedding in her house, kids running all over the property, a family in her home, etc. In the end, she gets all of that, but you know, for other people - which sucks for her but in the end it's all good 'cause it's a chick flick whatever roll credits. Same thing happened to me, sans the hot MILF.
So, last week J***e - the payroll secretary who's also in charge of calling subs in the morning, asked if I could cover for the upper-grades Science teacher the week of Memorial day. Naturally, I said yes. So anyway Mrs. A*******s (the Science teacher) is also nine-months-pregnant, and consequently left plans not only for this week, but for every day up 'till the end of the year. Plus, instead of roaming the halls as a push-in sub, I get to work out of her classroom, with her resources and lesson plans. So, I don't think she's comin' back.
Awesome, yes? Well, I guess. Except that I was waiting for another pregnant teacher to pop first, the Pre-K teacher Mrs. S*******e (who always believed in me, by the way), so I could show the Principal how well I could deal with an early childhood classroom on my own. Also,
You get to play games, sing songs, go to the park, eat ice cream, read stories and act them out, do arts and crafts, store food in a refrigerator, have breakfast and lunch for free, and since you have a paraprofessional with you at all times, you can go to the bathroom whenever you need to - you know, the bathroom with a sink that's already in the classroom. Everything you do with these kids is a brand new experience - coloring, painting, writing, drawing, reading, singing, dancing, eating, drinking... you get the gist. Oh yeah, and air conditioning. In June.
Anyway, totally not complaining. I mean hey, I have steady work and at least I don't have swine flu. Yet.
By the way, I know what you're thinking - that that seahorse has huge balls - and you're right, 'cept those aren't his balls. That male seahorse is pregnant.
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